The former top trainer at Windsor Raceway, Blake relocated to Cambridge Ontario and has seen increased success each year. In 2017, to date, his stable has won in excess of $1,250,000.
Blake has trained such notables as SPORTS COLUMN winner of the Battle of Waterloo at 2, earned in excess of $100,000 in the Ontario Sires Stakes program as a 2 year old and 3 year old and has a lifetime mark of 1:50.1; CLEAR IDEA with 2017 earnings in excess of $330,000 (year to date), a 5 time winner of the NYSS and 2nd in the final, winner of Empire Breeders Classic Elimination and 2nd in Final with a lifetime mark 1:50.4; SPORTS CHIC at 2, winner of the Battle of the Belles Elimination, 2nd in the Final, winner of 4 Ontario Sires Stakes Gold races, 2nd in the Champlain Stakes, setting a mark of 1:54.2; BULLET POINT a winner of over $621,000 with a lifetime mark of 1:49.4; KIM'S ROYAL DAY, a $1,500 yearling purchase earned in excess of $293,000 in the Ontario Sires Stakes program as a 2year old; DOCTOR TERROR earned over $100,000 at 2 and race timed in 1:53, earning $85,000 in the PASS at 3, setting a lIfetime mark of1:50.4, UBETTERGO GO a 2 year old in 2017 never out of the money earning $90,000 with a race record of 1:53; COURTLY CHOICE a 2 year old in 2017 winning a NYSS race and Consolation setting a mark of 1:53.1 a track record matching time.
For 2018, Blake has been selected as the trainer for the SBOA Mentor Program. Blake has also selected a solid cross section of yearlings in 2017. Shares are currently available in the yearlings that are listed below - pedigrees and yearling videos follow.
PHONE / TEXT : (905) 928-9972
PHONE / TEXT : (905) 928-9972
Meadowbranch Training Centre
902 4th Concession West, Flamboro, ON
(located directly behind Flamboro Downs Racetrack)
902 4th Concession West, Flamboro, ON
(located directly behind Flamboro Downs Racetrack)
It is winter in Ontario and the cold snap has finally ended. It was a bright day for a January training session that was caught by the drone. If are able to watch the videos in HD quality you will notice a significantly higher quality video.
No More Loses - Sports Jet Ray - Giveherngogo - Mystic Form
Brad's Buddy - Sports Hero - Jack Nation - Wind Sun Fire
American JoJo - She's A Dewar - Qrakmeup Blue Chip - Ideal Sarah
Quasar Blue Chip - Qarma Blue Chip - Lady Jackie - Take A Bit Of Life
Better Be Gouda - Better Moonon Over, Da Delightful, Gossip Guy
Sweet Chapter - Fortunes Way - Boo Thang
Blake and the team welcomed everyone to the stable at Meadowbranch Training Centre to meet and view the yearlings. There were seven groups jogging in sets under the video eye of the drone. Those with limited shares remaining available, are listed below (by gait, sex and sire) showing their expected time on the track. Yearling sale videos and pedigress are shown below the schedule.
SET I - American Jo Jo - Ashley Sparkle - Qarma Blue Chip - Saltwater Blue - Ideal Sara
SET II - Jack Nation - Major Escape - Brad's Buddy - Record Year ** - Better Be Gouda
SET III - Fortune's Way - Boo Thang - Sweet Chapter
SET IV - Clearly Better - Lady Jackie - Sportsjet Ray ** - Terem To Bits - Ring A Bella
SET V - Giverherngogo ** - Mystic Form - Qrackmeup Blue Chip - Take A Bit of Life - She's A Dewar
SET VI - Bettor Moveon - Sports Hero - Da Delightful -Gossip Guy
SET VII - Fast N First - No More Losses - Wind Sun Fire - Revival Cards - Quasar Blue Chip
American JoJo * | Blake Macintosh, Mark Macdonald, Mark Wamp |
Amy Fowler | Blake Macintosh, Tim Klemncic, Daniel Plouffe, Reg Petitpas |
Ashlee Sparkles * | Blake Macintosh, Hutt Racing, Mitchell Poritzky, Jacqueline Tierney, Jim Giannuzzi, David Smith |
Ashlee's Sport | Blake Macintosh, Stu McIntosh, Marceline Barnett, Hutt Racing |
Better Be Gouda * | Leanne Macintosh |
Better Moonon Over * | Dan Sergeant |
Boo Thang * | Blake Macintosh, Jim Giannuzzi, David Smith, Glenn Dyke |
Brad's Buddy * | Blake Macintosh, Hutt Racing, Reg Petitpas |
Clear Idea | Blake Macintosh, Hutt Racing |
Clearly Better * | Blake Macintosh, Hutt Racing, Stu McIntosh |
Come Get The Cash | Blake Macintosh, Stu McIntosh, Glenn Bechtel |
Courtly Choice | Blake Macintosh, Hutt Racing, Joe Intine, Daniel Plouffe |
DA Delightful * | Daniel Plouffe |
Dalylight Rush | Blake Macintosh, Hutt Racing |
Delightful Toy | Hutt Racing |
Dewar N Jack | Hutt Racing |
Dr. Brian | Hutt Racing |
East Bound Eddie | Craig Turner |
Fast N First * | Blake Macintosh, Ridgeway Racing |
Fortune's Way * | Blake Macintosh, Hutt Racing, Mitchell Poritzky, Jacqueline Tierney |
Giveherngogo ** | Blake Macintosh, SBOA, Craig Turner (20% Available) |
Go Find Out | Blake Macintosh, David Azzis, Simon Allard |
Gossip Guy * | Blake Macintosh, Hutt Racing |
Ideal Sarah * | Blake Macintosh, Hutt Racing, Jim Giannuzzi, David Smith, John Nizlek |
Jack Nation * | Blake Macintosh, Hutt Racing, Ridgeway Racing, Ozzy Mackay |
Kim's The Best | Blake Macintosh, Stu McIntosh, Hutt Racing, Dan Sergeant |
Lady Jackie * | Blake Macintosh, Hutt Racing |
Life Happened | Blake Macintosh, Hutt Racing |
Major Escape * | Blake Macintosh, Reg Petitpas, Dan Davis, Jim Giannuzzi, David Smith |
Master Element | Blake Macintosh, Hutt Racing |
Miss Coco Luck | Dan Sergeant |
Mr. Spartan | Hutt Racing |
Mystic Form * | Blake Macintosh, Hutt Racing |
No More Losses * | Blake Macintosh, Glenn Bechtel, Mark Clancy |
Parkavenuejuliann | Blake Macintosh, Hutt Racing |
Pasta Blue Chip | Blake Macintosh, Glenn Bechtel |
Qarma Blue Chip * | Blake Macintosh, Wayne MacIntosh |
Qrakmeup Blue Chip * | Blake Macintosh, Blue Chip Farms, Andy Klemencic, 30 Plus Stable |
Quasar Blue Chip * | Blake Macintosh, Andy Klemencic, 30 Plus Stable |
Record Year ** | Blake Macintosh, Hutt Racing, SBOA |
Rendezvous Hanover | Blake Macintosh, 30 Plus Stable |
Revival Cards * | Hutt Racing |
Ring A Bella * | Dan Sergeant |
Rootin Tootin | Blake Macintosh, Stu McIntosh |
Saltwater Blue * | Blake Macintosh, Hutt Racing |
Search The Lands | Hutt Racing |
She's A Dewar * | Blake Macintosh, Hutt Racing |
Sky Fulla Star | Blake Macintosh |
Sportsjet Ray ** | Blake Macintosh, SBOA, Joe Intine, Linda Bedard |
Sports Column | Blake Macintosh, Hutt Racing, Daniel Plouffe |
Sports Hero * | Blake Macintosh, 30 Plus Stable, Stu McIntosh, Joe Intine, Brett Authier |
Sweet Chapter * | Blake Macintosh, Hutt Racing, Glenn Bechtel, Jim Giannuzzi, David Smith |
Take A Bit Of Life * | Blake Macintosh |
Terem A New One | Blake Macintosh, Karl Empey, 1455421 Ontario Inc |
That's What I Said | Blake Macintosh, 30 Plus Stable |
Twin B Peaches | Blake Macintosh, Twin B, Joe Intine, Reg Petitpas |
Ubettergo Go | Blake Macintosh, Reg Petitptas, Tony Basille |
Wind Sun N Fire * | Blake Macintosh, Hutt Racing |

* 2018 Two Year Olds
** Denotes STANDARDBRED BREEDERS OF ONTARIO ASSOCIATION (SBOA) 2017 stable horses being trained by Blake Macintosh and mentored by Tammy McNiven
** Denotes STANDARDBRED BREEDERS OF ONTARIO ASSOCIATION (SBOA) 2017 stable horses being trained by Blake Macintosh and mentored by Tammy McNiven